A Token of Appreciation for the Healthcare Heroes


We are so glad that we can do our small little part for the healthcare heroes at Singapore Tan Tock Seng Hospital @tantocksenghospital and KK Women's and Children Hospital together with our friends from Hock Leng Biz Channel Pte Ltd @hlbc.sg

These healthcare heroes contributed relentlessly and selflessly, making many sacrifices to be at the front line while helping and saving many during this difficult time. For many of us, we are now able to stay at home and be with our family and love ones. Unfortunately for many of these healthcare heroes, they were unable to be home with their family and love ones so as to be there to serve the sick.

A big salute to them, just like a candle, the bring hopes and light shining upon others. Thank you to all healthcare heroes for their sacrifices, bravery and being here for all of us. Thank you!




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